The Devil’s Castle


In those days, a part of the land by the River Semoy and the River Meuse was the domain of the Devil. He had built a fortress on the Roc la Tour and two smaller castles on the Liry and the Fay. He ruled over the entire region, governing those who had become his supporters, while terrorising those who still believed in Christ. Those poor people would pray and hope that some saint would come to help them get rid of that terrible lord.

One day, while the Devil was resting in his castle on the Fay, he heard someone knocking at the door. The Devil went to look. It was a pilgrim who asked to stay for the night.


“How dare you! What are you doing on my land? Don't you know who I am?” shouted the Devil.

“I'm not afraid of you,” said the pilgrim and continued, “your anger is in vain. Let me prove my superiority to you, let's make a bet: you will set bowling pins on the top of this mountain,” the pilgrim pointed to the Roc la Tour, “and let’s see who wins the game.”

The Devil agreed reluctantly. He went to place the bowling pins on the top of the Roc la Tour and then the two players went and stood on the Fay just opposite the Roc.

“Are you ready? You start!” said the pilgrim.

The Devil grabbed an enormous rock, took aim at the bowling pins and threw it with all his strength. But the rock did not reach the Roc la Tour and fell pathetically into the River Semoy. It is still there and is known as either the Rock of the Devil or the Rock of the Tomb.


The pilgrim also grabbed an enormous rock and threw it with a steady hand, bringing down all the bowling pins. He threw the rock so well and with such strength that he even knocked over the Devil’s Castle, leaving it in ruins.


The Devil recognised that the pilgrim was Christ and fled, abandoning his domain and his subjects.

Sometimes at night, a dark shadow can be seen lurking. It is the Devil who returns to weep for his lost beautiful castle.